Assalamualaikum.For a long timeI leavethe blogwithoutlatestupdateandnow I'mback.Iwrote therecent updateaboutPeroduaKelisathat has beenput onthe DaihatsuMiraGinobodypart
Perodua Kelisa 1.0
Bodypart Daihatsu Mira Gino
Rims 15 8JJ ofset 0
Tyres 165/50/15
Rear axle camber -10
Interior meter Minilite Walnut
Semi bucket SSCUS
Rim Volk Racing CE28
Tell usa bit aboutyourcar
"Beforethis, its just astandards car. Then, I doforperformance.Runengine.I'mso sick because italwaysbreakwhenthe stance season is arrive,I get my car into Stance culture."
How can you beinfluenced by Stance?Who domuchformotivation?
"That'sAffectedbyManRocknrollfromSabah.PouringAddthisKelisais noteasy to stagechamber. That axlemodyrarelypeopleknowhow.Onlycertainpeopleonly.Whichthereisa lotofencouragementAmySilveria.KingGinoStanceKLhehehe"
What givessatisfactionto youafterwhat you didon the car?
"Satisfactionwhensuccessfulforoutboardstanceandchamberwithoutthebodyorotherproblems.Latersatisfactionwhenpeople cometo see the car,photo,askabout the car,RESPECTthecarandwhenpeople say "thiscar totally crazy!" hahahaha.
Little advice for the other stancer?
"I can notforadvicebecause Ialsostillnewbiesandstill learning.'s JustBE Bold.Do notfear."
THANK YOUAbe Yeh.Now Ispenda littlepicture of this car. Hehehe.:)